Though Jaipur (India) is a cost-effective garment manufacturing hub, especially when compared to Delhi-NCR, but labour shortage is an issue there which forced India Today Fashions, an apparel exporter based in the region, to start a new unit in Gurgaon (Haryana).
The company is well aware with extra cost of production that it will have to bear in Gurgaon, coupled with logistic cost and that it will have to coordinate from Jaipur…, but as the apparel supplier is facing acute labour shortage, it had to take this step. “Already some of our jobwork is being done in Gurgaon so we thought why shouldn’t we set-up our own factory there as it is hard get new skilled workers in Jaipur, the same is easily available in Gurgaon. Very soon our new factory will be operational,” shared Rajendra Bhatia, MD of the
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